September was a bit disappointing. In July and August I had a lot of starts, including trail mountain ultramarathon „Chudy Wawrzyniec” which was the final goal of the first half of the year training plan. In September, I had planned only one loose start in the Island Beskids („Noraftrail” in Zalesie). Unfortunately I was unable to start for personal reasons (all in all, the weather was quite bad, so I did not regret it too much). In the second half of the month I followed interesting running events (Festiwal Biegów – Krynica, 37. PZU Warsaw Marathon) and I promised myself that next year I’ll score both races – Warsaw Marathon will be for me a back to the beginning, because it is in this marathon that I had my debut in 2013.
Beside this, the month passed peacefully on regular training and a thought of Maraton Bieszczadzki.
In September, I covered the distance of 203 km, almost as much as in August. On the one hand, I feel it to be insufficient, but every single day without running was spent on CrossFit workouts (orange workouts pictured below).
Distance: 203,71 km / Time: 21:48:12 / Calories: 12 281 kcal
Summary – September
In September I put emphasis on strengthening legs and core to improve stability. All this ito prepare for the October Trail Race „Ultramaraton Bieszczadzki”. Running trainings contained less ascent runs, but two long runs in that place, (26km and 28 km), and apart from that HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) exercises targeting different parts of the body, especially the legs and torso. Exercises included 3-4 sets of 4-5 multi-joint exercises additionaly weighted. Such training strengthens muscles but also causes a very strong effort and speeds up the metabolism, making our body work at high speed for many many hours after training.
The organizers of the Maraton Bieszczadzki made a nice surprise for participants and sent a race pack jacket alredy in September – it will come in handy in the autumn conditions!
October is basically just one goal- Ultramaraton Bieszczadzki and then Off Season Recovery! Marathon will be a challenge – a distance of over 50 km in the mountains for the second time. Only this time, in contrast to the August race in the scorching sun, there is supposed to be morning frosts, so completely different conditions not yet known to me. Lately I’m bothered again by my left calf, which I strained at one point. I hope that pre-race tapering provides enough regeneration and makes me ready for it.
Wish me luck!!