Kefir Rye Dumplings

Being lately on a „reduction” diet, I’ve been digging up some old recipes and making some new discoveries. This recipe is one of those dug up. Kefir rye dumplings may not look very appetizing, but I assure you that they really taste great and fit into many flavor combinations. They will be a nice change if you’re bored with classic potato-dinner. They contain a lot of fiber and nutrients, also being a good source of slow carbohydrates (whole wheat flour) and protein, but with very little fat.

Aside from being a good standard „starch-part” for dinner, They are perfect to take in the form of Lunchbox and taste good cold.


The recipe for is quite simple, but it can be difficult to obtain the desired thickness of the dough for the first time. Usually, with the second attempt, we already know what we need to do in order to efficiently prepare everything. Fortunately, even if the consistency is not perfect, the taste is still fantastic.


  • 1 cup (ca. 240 g) kefiru
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup (ca. 120 g) rye flour
  • pinch of salt


  1. Pour kefir into a  bowl, add the egg and salt and mix well.
  2. Gradually add the rye flour to obtain the consistency of a loose dough, but not dripping from a spoon.
  3. Boil water in a pot, add a little oil and salt. Reduce the heat so that the water bubbles ony slightly.
  4. Take small portions of dough on a teaspoon (dipped earlier in water) and put into the pot for a few seconds – the dough should come away from the spoon.
  5. Cook a batch of dumplings for approx. 3 minutes from the moment the all of the dumplings surface.
  6. Take out ready dumplings with a slotted spoon.

ENERGY(1 serving) :  282 kcal

MACROS: C  44 g / P 12 g / F 5 g
/ Fiber 5 g /

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