
II Górski Bieg Frassatiego

KRÓTKO O BIEGU Górski Bieg Frassatiego to bieg organizowany w Międzybrodziu Bialskim (Beskid Mały). W tym roku odbyła się druga…

Aftershokz Aeropex – poczuć to w kościach!

Aftershokz to producent słuchawek z przewodnictwem kostnym, używających kości czaszki jako systemu rezonatorów... No dobra, a tak "po polsku"? Tak…

Your ultra gear guide

20 hours running... surrounded only by mountains and forests, and you only have what's on your back ... Right, let's see…

quick energy bars

Carb, protein, oat, fruit - gels and energy bars are the basic fuel of every runner. They are in bulks…

Runner’s health check

Sport is good for health - no doubt about it. However, every active person should be aware of their health, both…

Secrets of quick recovery

Why is there so much talk about regeneration, if it's the training that really matters? While the effort causes fatigue…

Asics GT 2000 – a shoe for persistent

Asics GT 2000 is a top shelf shoe. A great roadrunner, proving equally well during quick trainings and long runs,…

Vege running

 EXPERIMENT It all started withe the book "Eat and Run" by Scott Jurek. Rich Roll added some more in his…

Cornmeal porridge

Be it a longrun or a running competition, it always brings to my mind a cornmeal or semolina porridge. It's…

13th Cracow New Year’s Eve Run

I say goodbye to 2016 traditionally - with running. Yet again I participated in the Cracow Run New Year's Eve…

Running in sickness

Sickness is the worst thing that can happen to a runner - you wake up in the morning with a…

How to start exercising

Would you like to change something in your life? Take up exercisign and improve your health? Get in shape and sculpt the…

Running in winter

A moment ago we were hiding from the heat and cooled ourselves with whatever water we could find, and now the best…

Running goals 2017

NEW YEAR, NEW CHALLENGES I planned my first race plan in 2016 and think it was great idea. As a result,…

BUT90, i.e. blood, sweat and tears that weren’t there

BLOOD! PAIN! TEARS! The essence of a good race report! Well, sorry - this one will be weak then! My…