The best books about running – part 1

My „runner’s shelf” is constanlty expanding with all the new items on the market. Books about running pop up like mushrooms lately and it is impossible to read them all (although I try hard). Below I present a short list of several books on the subject of running, rather of motivational than technical character. These, in my humble opinion, are the books for everyone in seach of motivation for running or a light reading in the subject..


jedz i biegaj1. EAT AND RUN

Author: Scott Jurek

Publishing house: Galaktyka

A book, that I read in a single breath. Written by one of the most known ultra runners of the world and vegan. Scott denies the myth that one cannot live healthy eating plants. The book is full of Scott’s recipes for a variety of vegan meals that he often took with him for his trail runs. Of course, veganism is an important part of this book, but apart from that one will find here descriptions of struggle and pain, but also the surges of joy and great satisfaction accompanying Scott during his greatest ultramarathon achievements. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to see where their passion may lead them in the end.



AutHor: Rich Roll

Publishing house: Galaktyka

This is a real page-turner. Just amazing! It’s the story of a wreck of a man, who one day decides to change his life. In his journey he reaches the limits, which many do not even dream of, and then he jumps beyond them. The book tells the story of the struggle with personal limitations and weaknesses. A smoker and addict who, because of their health scondition, lands in the hospital at toxicology department, Rich Roll proves that it is never too late to get yourself together and change your life. This is an amazing motivator and if you’re wondering where to get the strength for trainings from, read this book. It will make you feel foolish!


Bez Ograniczeń3. WITHOUT LIMITS

Author: Chrissie Wellington

Publishing house: Galaktyka

Another book in a similar climate. In contrast to Scott Jurek and Rich Roll, who already in his youth had contact with sport, „Without Limist” tells us the story of a girl who discovers her passion for sports rather late. Called „muppet” at school, she didn’t expect to become one day a toughest woman in the world. She starts with running and ends at the world’s largest Triathlon in Kona (Hawaii) – and wins it – several times! This book doesn’t show an athlete from steel, but a person of flesh and blood, with human weaknesses, jealousy and anger, but also persistence, joy and consistent pursuit of her goals.


Ultramartończyk4. ULTRAMARATHON MAN

Author: Dean Karnazes

Publishing house: Galaktyka

This position is a denial of the myth showing almost fanatical approach of athletes to healthy eating. Dean, a corporate employee during the day, and ultra runner during nights and weekends. Whenever he takes off his white collar, he then puts on his shorts and runn … the further the better. He swallows unimaginable distances for breakfast, single-handedly, in one go he finishes 320-kilometer „The Relay” race, organised, as the name suggests, in relay teams. It’s not a problem for him to gulp down a big pizza and drink the Coke during the run. Oh, he also runs on crisps, chocolate cookies etc. Inestad of trying to improve his running technique, he „Runs with his heart”.


Urodzeni Biegacze5. BORN TO RUN

Author: Christoper MacDougall

Publishing house: Galaktyka

Last but not least. On the contrary – I loved the book very much. Christopher MacDougall tells an exciting story of Tarahumara tribe (also called Raramuri – the running people). These Indians live in the mountains, hiding from civilisation. What makes them so interesting is the fact that day and night they… run – and they do it barefoot. Christopher sets out to find the legendary tribe and find the answer to how is it that running barefoot may be better than using specialized sports shoes.

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