Red wine risotto with fungi and paprika

A good risotto requires a lot of practice. It is a culinary showcase of northern Italy, like pasta is of southern. Good risotto is prepared in just 20 minutes  and there is a set of strict rules, obligatory if you are to prepare a really perfect risotto. A seemingly simple rice with vegetables, prepared in accordance with appropriate rules,will make a truly memorable feast.

Fortunately, we are not chefs at the renowned Italian restaurant and we can take these rules with a pinch of salt. However, it is good to know them and try to apply them as best as we can and as a reward we will get a really amazing meal. Here are these principles:


  1. Rice– definitely italian, eg. arborio (read more about rice). None of the long grain, thai or parboiled variety. It has to be short-grain, oval rice with high starch content. Using different rice you will end with chinese rice with vegetables and not a risotto.
  2. Wine – white or red, dry or semidry! It is not obligatory, but it gives risotto a pronounced flavour, so it’s worth using. Caution! It’s probably not worth using some very expensive wine, but don’t take the cheapest wine on the shelf – you really don’t want it’s taste to be the most noticeable in the meal, right?
  3. Broth – The most important additive. It decides whether the risotto will be a success or a flop. The rice will absorb all the broth and this flavor will dominate in the meal. I don’t recommend using bouillon cubes, but if you don’t have time, take a chicken or vegetable one – they are more tender.
  4. Fat – There are two opposite approaches, none of which is the right one. You can use olive oil, butter, or a mix of both. This is my way in fact – thanks to this we feel the buttery flavor in risotto, but the smoking point is higher.
  5. Method of working –  this is crucial when it comes to risotto. First we have to glaze onions, then add rice. The key is to „impregnate” rice, ie every grain must be coated in oil before moving on to the next steps. Then we pour the wine – when it is absorbed, slowly, with a ladle, we add broth and begin stirring. Risotto requires constant attention.
  6. Other Ingredients – there are three groups of ingredients. First, responsible for taste (eg. celery, carrots) – finely chopped and glazed together with onions. Second, responsible for the flavour – eg. Fungi. These flavoring ingredients can be also added to the broth so that it absorbs their taste and strengthen the risotto. Finally, third – those visible on the plate. They are added right before the end of preparation. These are all kinds of vegetables (eg. Peas, peppers) or meat.
  7. Parmesan – obligatory ingredient. Don’t use just any cheese. It can spoil or save the dish. With it, the risotto deson’t need any salting or seasoning. If you don’t have parmesan cheese, use a different type like „Ruby” and „Sapphire” – I checked those and they will „manage”.
  8. Butter – at the very end, after the addition of Parmesan cheese, lay a few thin slices of cold butter. It coats rice grains, separating them from each other and giving the whole meal a smooth and creamy taste.



INGREDIENTS(1 serving):

  • 50g arborio rice
  • 1l vegetable broth
  • 1/2 onion
  • 3 mushrooms
  • 1/2 red ball pepper
  • 2 tsp butter
  • approx. 150 ml redy dry wine
  • approx. 15 g parmesan cheese (I also recommend „Ruby” cheese – less fat, but of equally pronounced flavour)


  1. Preheat oil in the pan. Add finely diced onions. In the meantime, heat the broth and set the minimum flame – broth has to be hot not to lower the temperature of the rice when supplementing.
  2. When the onion is glazed, pour rice (do not rinse it) and carefully coat every grain in oil.
  3. When the rice is well coated, pour the wine and wait until the alcohol evaporates and the wine is absorbed.
  4. Set the flame on average, pour ladle of broth and start stirring gently. Supplement the broth only when the liquid is completely absorbed. We need the flame to be set on appropriate level (you will probably need a few attempts). If it is too strong, rice will stick to pan, if too weak, it will slow down the absorption of the broth and the rice will overcook. Ideally risotto should be ready after 20 minutes.
  5. In the middle of preparation, add mushrooms (you can fry them first, but not necessarily).
  6. 2-4 minutes before the end add red pepper.
  7. When the risotto is aldente and absorbed the last portion of broth, add half of the Parmesan cheese, stir last few times, turn off the flame, cover tightly and leave for a minute to rest.
  8. Put risotto on a plate, add a slice of butter and sprinkle/put a thin slice of parmesan cheese on top. Bon Appetit!

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