Easy homemade coconut milk

Coconut milk has a lot of applications. Along with other plant drinks (soy milk, rice milk, oatmeal milk, etc.) it is a very good substitute for cow’s milk for vegans and lactose intolerant people. It has a very characteristic taste, contains from 15% to 25% fat, and – in contrast to cow’s milk – fiber.

Coconut milk is also very often used in the Southeast Asia cuisine (Thai, Indian cuisine, etc.), where it is responsible for the characteristic taste of food. At the same time, due to the fat content, it alleviates the burning sensation after eating the spicy food from this region. For example, my favorite Thai curry, which can be extremely spicy, does not cause feelings of burned lips, tongue and the whole palate afterwards, as is sometimes with Mexican dishes.

The following recipe is trivial to make, and thanks to this we can twist up the flavor of our food (eg. coconut milk Oatmeal – AWESOME!) for a small price – canned coconut milk can cost up to 8 PLN, and desiccated coconut can be bought for as much as 2 PLN.

mleko kokosowe


INGREDIENTS (400 ml of milk):

  • 100g desiccated coconut (1 cup)
  • 2 cups of water*

*Depending on the ammount of water we use, we get milk with various consistency.


  1. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a cup of desiccated coconut. Allow to stand for approx. 2 hours.
  2. Saturated desiccated coconut toss into high speed blender, add 1/2 cup of boiling water and a blend for several minutes.
  3. Put the contents of the blender onto a cheesecloth spread over a bowl (eg. on a sieve) and squeeze all the liquid well.
  4. Pressed content put back into the blender, pour another 1/2 cup of boiling water and blend again.
  5. Put the contents onto the cheesecloth and squeeze again.
  6. The ready milk can be used immediately or refrigerated and used within 3-4 days.
  7. The leftovers can be spread on a baking sheet and dried in the oven, then blended into coconut flour and used for baking or desserts.

*You can pour full cup of water immediately over the desiccated coconut, but two-time blending draws the maximum flavor and the milk will be thicker in consistency.

ENERGY (per 100 ml) :  39 kcal

MACROS: C  0,5 g / P 0,2 g / F 4 g

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