Your ultra gear guide

20 hours running… surrounded only by mountains and forests, and you only have what’s on your back … Right, let’s see what do you have there? Ooohh, a bunch of crap indeed – and where’s the really useful stuff? Look what I packed! LET’S PACK YOU UP FOR ULTRA! Are you preparing for a mountain race or a […]

Secrets of quick recovery

Why is there so much talk about regeneration, if it’s the training that really matters? While the effort causes fatigue and muscle damage, it’s the relaxation that ensures our body rebuilds and becomes stronger. Rest is like JIN to a training JANG. Without a good rest, there is no way to adapt to ever-heavier training stimuli, and […]

How to start exercising

Would you like to change something in your life? Take up exercisign and improve your health? Get in shape and sculpt the body? Maybe lose a few centimeters here and there? Probably you’ve already tried it…if not for this short-lived zeal… And if I told you that there is a way? Even the biggest sluggad may change into a […]

Running in winter

A moment ago we were hiding from the heat and cooled ourselves with whatever water we could find, and now the best piece of equipment for a training is… a warm blanket. I dread to think what’d it be when it starts snowing. How to run in winter? Should we run at all? RUN!!! It is said […]

Your training plan in 6 steps

You’ve been running for some time now and you have colected a bunch of kilometers. At the beginning, each additional kilometer gave you great satisfaction – the lengthening distance you could cover, running was easier and easier. At certain point, however, a boredom appeared, hasn’t it? Each workout seemed identical to the previous one, week after week the same thing and […]

How to hydrate properly

Theoretically, we all know that we should rehydrate – even more important for athletes. But in practice it’s not so obvious anymore – we often disregard this issue. Meanwhile, the proper hydration is of cardinal importance both for our health, as well as for the quality of our training. WATER IN THE BODY The average healthy adult human […]

Running for Weight Loss

How to run to lose weight? How soon do we begin to burn fat? How to eat properly? Is running on an empty stomach good? These and other questions nag people who reach for running as a way to lose weight. And isn’t it true that most of us began running for that reason in the first place? Me […]

How to warm up before running

If you were to take your brand new super fast lamborghini on a ride, would you step on the gas from the beginning, with the engine still cold, or would you rather let it warm up a bit? The same applies to your body. You can exploit it many times without proper warm-up and you […]

Off Season Recovery

The high season of marathons is coming to an end and the last big races are practically over. Some have achieved new personal records, others, for various reasons, did not. Now comes the time to draw conclusions and plan new challenges for the upcoming seasn. At the same time, after many months of preparation, making improvements and finally […]

Best apps for runners

If you’re running is for entertainment, the following information won’t rather be useful to you (at most as curiosity). But if you think of a more serious approach to running, you want to work on improving their skills, or you are thinking about participating in any competition – you should take your time and make […]

It’s worth running!

  „MOVEMENT CAN REPLACE ALMOST EVERY MEDICINE, BUT ALL MEDICINES TAKEN TOGETHER WILL NEVER REPLACE MOVEMENT”   (Wiktor Dega)   Running is the simplest and at the same time the most effective form of movement positively influencing our health. It ensures the best and quickest results, strengthens the body and improves state of mind, what’s more, […]

Training methods – run smart

It is commonly said that running is addictive. We begin running for a variety of reasons, but over time, we notice that we already can’t live without it. And then this morning or evening run itself is no longer enough – we want something more. In the TV we watch various running competitions and we begin to think about taking part […]


It’s scorching from the very morning till late evening. Sitting in the pleasant chill of your apartment, you feel the outside calling you to get some fun. And then you go outside – it’s so dreadfully hot you can’t even breathe, after two minutes all the clothes stick to the body, and the you only dream about crawl under a […]