Pad Thai – fragrant street food from Thailand

I fell in love with Pad Thai when my fiancee took me to Thai restaurant Samui in Cracow. In fact, it was the beginning of my fascination of the entire Thai cuisine. It is full of fragrant spices with tons of  healing properties. Pad Thai has a very rich taste and contitutes a compound meal supplying everything we need: carbohydrates […]

Avocado – miraculous butter fruit

Avocado is considered a superfood and can be very beneficial for our health. We reach for this butter fruit more eagerly every day. Despite the high caloric value, due to the large amount of fat, avocado shouldn’t be avoided. Paradoxically, this fruit helps in weight loss and lowers bad cholesterol levels. It is a rich […]

Foods to boost your immune system

Low temperatures and bad weather  breed many infections, to which our body is very vulnerable during the autumn-winter period. Of course, the best cure is always … sport! I wrote about the amazing effects that sport has on health in this article. Howerer, equally important to keep a proper diet. In order to maintain health and strengthen the immune […]

Red wine risotto with fungi and paprika

A good risotto requires a lot of practice. It is a culinary showcase of northern Italy, like pasta is of southern. Good risotto is prepared in just 20 minutes  and there is a set of strict rules, obligatory if you are to prepare a really perfect risotto. A seemingly simple rice with vegetables, prepared in accordance with […]

Bran pancakes

As always a week before important race I follow a carb-loading diet. The first three days are to deplete glycogen from the body, so the products must be based on protein and sufficient fat content, with the minimum amount of carbs. I usually begin this diet with bran pancakes – it’s a kind of my ritual already. They contain a […]

Groats – the source of health

The traditional Polish dinner is invariably associated with potatoes. For breakfast we most eagerly reach for bread or buns (mostly white). Meanwhile, we have a lot of healthy replacements of the common bread. One of them is rice, which you can read about in the article RICE – CALORIES, VARIETES, NUTRITIONAL VALUES Today I propose another, much healthier […]

rice – calories, varietes, nutritional values

There are several types of products that can replace bread in your everyday diet. Rice is one of them. It comes from the area of present India. From there it came to Egypt and Greece, and then to Spain and Portugal. It also gained popularity Africa. In the Middle Ages its expansion reached Italy, then France, […]


The recipe for hummus was one of the first I met after switching to vegetarianism and from that moment, this brilliant paste has become an everyday quest to my fridge. It is a great addition to breakfast, but similarly great in a form of a healthy snack between meals or substitute for unhealthy cravings (eg. Crisps swallowed […]