Aftershokz Aeropex – poczuć to w kościach!

Aftershokz to producent słuchawek z przewodnictwem kostnym, używających kości czaszki jako systemu rezonatorów… No dobra, a tak „po polsku”? Tak po polsku, to znaczy, że nie trzeba sobie wpychać nic do ucha, a muzyka gra ;) Kiedy usłyszałem o tych słuchawkach, pomyślałem, że to albo czary albo jakaś ściema. Jednak co jakiś czas rzucały mi […]

Your ultra gear guide

20 hours running… surrounded only by mountains and forests, and you only have what’s on your back … Right, let’s see what do you have there? Ooohh, a bunch of crap indeed – and where’s the really useful stuff? Look what I packed! LET’S PACK YOU UP FOR ULTRA! Are you preparing for a mountain race or a […]

Eat green!

Green is the color of life! Not without a reason, all the healthiest vegetables have this color … just why do they so rarely land on our plates? Look how easy and tasty can you supplement your daily meals with these robust plants. WHERE TO FIND THEM? Green is just one of the 5 colors of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables […]

Dexshell – waterproof running socks

Dexshell Ultra-Flex are sport socks for heavy weather conditions. The manufacturer promises them to be waterproof but breathable and comfortable to wear at the same time. If this is the case, why didn’t they reach me earlier!? BASIC INFORMATION brand– Dexshell type – Ultra Flex intended use – any sport in hard weather conditions material – 1. layer – 96% nylon, 3% elastane, […]

Runner’s health check

Sport is good for health – no doubt about it. However, every active person should be aware of their health, both at the start of their adventure with sport and later on. Periodic examinations enable us to verify our health, additionally showing the progress made during training. How often should one make a health check? And what […]

Running in sickness

Sickness is the worst thing that can happen to a runner – you wake up in the morning with a feeling of scratching in the throat or runny nose and you already know what’s coming – a break in training …. and yet it is only a small cold. Maybe you could run it through? Maybe […]

How to start exercising

Would you like to change something in your life? Take up exercisign and improve your health? Get in shape and sculpt the body? Maybe lose a few centimeters here and there? Probably you’ve already tried it…if not for this short-lived zeal… And if I told you that there is a way? Even the biggest sluggad may change into a […]

Glycemic index

Carbohydrates are very important for us – from them comes the energy needed by our muscles to function properly. It is particularly important for runners and other athletes – but how do we know when to eat? Some products give quick but a short boost of energy while others release it slowly and steadily, giving a feeling of satiety for […]

Running in winter

A moment ago we were hiding from the heat and cooled ourselves with whatever water we could find, and now the best piece of equipment for a training is… a warm blanket. I dread to think what’d it be when it starts snowing. How to run in winter? Should we run at all? RUN!!! It is said […]

Your training plan in 6 steps

You’ve been running for some time now and you have colected a bunch of kilometers. At the beginning, each additional kilometer gave you great satisfaction – the lengthening distance you could cover, running was easier and easier. At certain point, however, a boredom appeared, hasn’t it? Each workout seemed identical to the previous one, week after week the same thing and […]

How to hydrate properly

Theoretically, we all know that we should rehydrate – even more important for athletes. But in practice it’s not so obvious anymore – we often disregard this issue. Meanwhile, the proper hydration is of cardinal importance both for our health, as well as for the quality of our training. WATER IN THE BODY The average healthy adult human […]

Going NUTS with heart-healthy fats

I love nuts in every form. This is one of the healthier snacks – a great „emergency” meal in travel, when the only alternative is some fast food. They are caloric, but if you can limit yourself to a handful, they’ll repay a hundred times with the wealth of health properties. Nuts are very popular in the diet of […]

Running for Weight Loss

How to run to lose weight? How soon do we begin to burn fat? How to eat properly? Is running on an empty stomach good? These and other questions nag people who reach for running as a way to lose weight. And isn’t it true that most of us began running for that reason in the first place? Me […]

Avocado – miraculous butter fruit

Avocado is considered a superfood and can be very beneficial for our health. We reach for this butter fruit more eagerly every day. Despite the high caloric value, due to the large amount of fat, avocado shouldn’t be avoided. Paradoxically, this fruit helps in weight loss and lowers bad cholesterol levels. It is a rich […]

Foods to boost your immune system

Low temperatures and bad weather  breed many infections, to which our body is very vulnerable during the autumn-winter period. Of course, the best cure is always … sport! I wrote about the amazing effects that sport has on health in this article. Howerer, equally important to keep a proper diet. In order to maintain health and strengthen the immune […]