5 Colors of Health

Vegetables and fruits vary, sometimes radically, in terms of appearance, taste and color. We use all these qualities to diversify our meals, but have you ever wondered if there’s any meaning behind the individual colors of vegetables and fruits? Is this diversity of colors just a freak of nature – just for the fun?

Well, no. Both taste and color of a given product say something about its composition, and thus its properties. The basis for good nutrition is diversity, and in order to preserve diversity one must turn to all that nature offers us. This is where the colors of particular foods are most helpful – they’re a clear signal about how a particular fruit or vegetable works and how it can help us. We should consciously use all the colors in our diet to provide our body with everything we need – or to supplement what we are missing.


In the most simplified terms, the individual colors of vegetables and fruits show following properties:

RED (tomatoes, red bell peppers, strawberries, etc.) – improve the work of the heart and circulatory system
PURPLE (grapes, berries, eggplant, etc.) – affect our longevity
GREEN (celery, leafy vegetables, green bell pepper, etc.) – help natural detoxication
WHITE/BROWN (garlic, onion, cauliflower, etc.) – support the immune system, have anti-inflammatory properties
YELLOW/ORANGE (banana, lemon, orange, pumpkin, etc.) – improve the skin condition, they work against cancer



NUTRIENTS: Lycopene, antioxidants, potassium, fiber, vitamins A, C, K, B6

FUNCTION: They lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels, accelerate the healing of tissues in inflammatory joints. They support the immune and circulation systems. Lycopene has a strong antineoplastic effects.

VEGETABLES: Beets, red bell peppers, red chilli peppers, red onions, red potatoes, rhubarb, radicchio, radishes, tomatoes

FRUITS:  Watermelon, red/pink grapefruit, red apples, red grapes, red pears, pomegranates, guava, blood oranges, raspberries, strawberries, papaya, cherries, cranberries.


borówkiNUTRIENTS: dietary fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants and lutein anthocyanins, resveratrol, phenols, flavonoids

FUNCTION:  They support brain function, digestive and urinary system, reduce the level of bad cholesterol. They also improve the immune system, increase the absorption of calcium and other minerals, have anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic effects. Anthocyanins affect the appearance of our skin and our eyes.

VEGETABLES:  Eggplant, red cabbage, purple chicory, purple potatoes, purple asparagus, purple carrots, black salsify

FRUITS:  Black currants, elderflower, purple figs, pomegranates, blackberries, blueberries, raisins, dried plums, grapes



NUTRIENTS: Chlorophyll, fiber, calcium, folic acid, potassium, vitamins A, C, E, lutein, indole-3-carbinol

FUNCTION: Lutein affects the condition of the retina of the eye. Indole-3-carbinol in green vegetables (brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage) works against cancer. Chlorophyll helps digestion, detoxifies the body and lowers blood pressure. These vegetables and fruits also improve wound healing and positively affect the condition of the gums.

VEGETABLES: Broccoli, brussels sprouts, zucchini, chicory, peas, snow peas, chinese cabbage, chayote artichokes, cucumber, okra, leek, rapini, arugula, cress, lettuce, celery, spinach, asparagus, Green cabbage, green onion, green bell peppers.

FRUITS: Avocado, kiwi, lime, honey melon, green apples, green pears, green grapes.



czosnekNUTRIENTS: EGCG, SDG, beta-glucan, lignans, allicin, quercetin, indoles, glucosinolates, sulfur

FUNCTION:  They improve the immune system, have a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. They fight cancer and heart disease, activate T and B lymphocytes, reduce the risk of endocrine cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. Sulfur regulates cholesterol levels and affects the condition of the skin and hair.

VEGETABLES: White corn, onion, garlic, mushrooms, cauliflower, cabbage, jicama, parsnip, turnip, shallots, Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes

FRUITS: Bananas, white nectarines, white peaches, brown pears, dates, ginger, plums



NUTRIENTS: Alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, hesperidine, vitamins A and C

FUNCTION: They reduce bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure, stimulate collagen production, improving joint health. Vitamin C in citrus fruits fights harmful free radicals. Carotene protects us from harmful sun rays and affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails and also improves our eyesight.

VEGETABLES: Cucumbers, pumpkins, corn, carrots, yellow beets, yellow bell peppers, yellow potatoes, yellow zucchini, yellow tomatoes,

FRUITS: Apricots, pineapple, peaches, lemon, grapefruit, mango, cantaloupe melon, cape gooseberry, mandarins, nectarines, papaya, kaki, oranges, golden kiwi, yellow apples, yellow figs, yellow pear, yellow watermelon



Now you know how to choose colors to bring balance to your body. For a small summary, please keep in mind these four most important principles to keep your health in this difficult world.


We have enough chemistry in our food – we don’t need to consciously reach for it as well. According to various studies, about 80% of our food contains chemicals that prolong the shelf life of food, automatically taking the life out of it. Do you know a hamburger experiment of a famous network? It was checked how long it would take for such a hamburger to rot or get mold. After a year(!) nothing happened – it hardened, but no germs were willing to feast on it! Likewise, it has been shown that getting rid of the hardened fats used to produce french fries takes up to 212 days (7 months!). The accumulation of these fats leads to inflammation, pain and disease.


Let’s eat like our ancestors … and let’s read the labels! Let’s use the nutrition pyramid, avoid refined sugars and carbohydrates. As few processed products as possible – they are devoid of most nutrients and do more harm than good.


Let’s eat products that have life, color and texture in them. The more colour – the better. Let’s eat skins (of course washed, scrubbed, blanched), let’s eat seeds, lets’ eat diverselyMix your plate and stimulate your taste buds in all possible ways.


Slow food works in favor of our health. It is extremely important because it is in the oral cavity that the first digestion stage takes place. Food is fragmented  for easier assimilation. Small bites and calm eating helps us get slimmer! Let’s celebrate our meals for the psychological effect. Take care of the aesthetics and take your time to eat – calmly, enjoying every bite. Colors, flavors, aromas – yes, food is our fuel, but it can also be feast for the senses, a moment of delight after a hard day.

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