Pasta in runner’s kitchen

Pasta – if it’s only bad simple carbs, very caloric and without any value, why have it become runners’ favorite fuel? Why is the legendary pre-run meal called  „pasta party” instead of e.g. „rice party” or „potato party”? Where’s the catch? There are loads of myths around pasta. Nevertheless, it’s loved and recommended by runners […]

Eat colorful – yellow & orange

Yellow is the sun, the summer, the youth! It’s a very energizing color, and such fruits and vegetables deliver us exactly this – energy to live and conquer our limits. WHERE IS THAT SUN? Within the 5 colors of vegetables and fruits, we distinguish yellow and orange as one „color”. These vegetables and fruits, above all, […]

Eat green!

Green is the color of life! Not without a reason, all the healthiest vegetables have this color … just why do they so rarely land on our plates? Look how easy and tasty can you supplement your daily meals with these robust plants. WHERE TO FIND THEM? Green is just one of the 5 colors of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables […]

Runner’s health check

Sport is good for health – no doubt about it. However, every active person should be aware of their health, both at the start of their adventure with sport and later on. Periodic examinations enable us to verify our health, additionally showing the progress made during training. How often should one make a health check? And what […]

5 Colors of Health

Vegetables and fruits vary, sometimes radically, in terms of appearance, taste and color. We use all these qualities to diversify our meals, but have you ever wondered if there’s any meaning behind the individual colors of vegetables and fruits? Is this diversity of colors just a freak of nature – just for the fun? Well, […]

Vege running

 EXPERIMENT It all started withe the book „Eat and Run” by Scott Jurek. Rich Roll added some more in his book „Finding Ultra”. They both described how the resignation of the meat had a positive effect on their mood, but primarily on athletic performance. They claimed that they feel lighter, can train harder and the […]

Glycemic index

Carbohydrates are very important for us – from them comes the energy needed by our muscles to function properly. It is particularly important for runners and other athletes – but how do we know when to eat? Some products give quick but a short boost of energy while others release it slowly and steadily, giving a feeling of satiety for […]

How often should you eat?

How many meals a day should you eat to maintain a good figure, have a full tank of energy and quick metabolism? Some say you should eat 5-6 meals a day, others that only 3 is enough. Meanwhile, recent studies indicate that these are all false conceptions. You can go dizzy with all this. What to eat […]

Going NUTS with heart-healthy fats

I love nuts in every form. This is one of the healthier snacks – a great „emergency” meal in travel, when the only alternative is some fast food. They are caloric, but if you can limit yourself to a handful, they’ll repay a hundred times with the wealth of health properties. Nuts are very popular in the diet of […]

Avocado – miraculous butter fruit

Avocado is considered a superfood and can be very beneficial for our health. We reach for this butter fruit more eagerly every day. Despite the high caloric value, due to the large amount of fat, avocado shouldn’t be avoided. Paradoxically, this fruit helps in weight loss and lowers bad cholesterol levels. It is a rich […]

Foods to boost your immune system

Low temperatures and bad weather  breed many infections, to which our body is very vulnerable during the autumn-winter period. Of course, the best cure is always … sport! I wrote about the amazing effects that sport has on health in this article. Howerer, equally important to keep a proper diet. In order to maintain health and strengthen the immune […]

Groats – the source of health

The traditional Polish dinner is invariably associated with potatoes. For breakfast we most eagerly reach for bread or buns (mostly white). Meanwhile, we have a lot of healthy replacements of the common bread. One of them is rice, which you can read about in the article RICE – CALORIES, VARIETES, NUTRITIONAL VALUES Today I propose another, much healthier […]

rice – calories, varietes, nutritional values

There are several types of products that can replace bread in your everyday diet. Rice is one of them. It comes from the area of present India. From there it came to Egypt and Greece, and then to Spain and Portugal. It also gained popularity Africa. In the Middle Ages its expansion reached Italy, then France, […]

What is your Daily Calorie Requirement

WHAT DETERMINES THE ENERGY DEMAND I have bad news for you – there is no magic demand that would be correct for everybody, man or woman. Each of us needs a different amount of calories to function properly. It depends on age, gender, physique, and lifestyle. Did you know that the brain, although consituting only 2% of the […]

Carboloading before marathon

WHAT IS CARBO LOADING Carbo loading is a type of diet used by endurance athletes before races lasting more than 90 minutes. It works by increasing the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet during last 2-3 days prior to the start in order to allow muscle glycogen storage above the natural level. Glycogen is a polysaccharide […]