Eat colorful – yellow & orange

Yellow is the sun, the summer, the youth! It’s a very energizing color, and such fruits and vegetables deliver us exactly this – energy to live and conquer our limits. WHERE IS THAT SUN? Within the 5 colors of vegetables and fruits, we distinguish yellow and orange as one „color”. These vegetables and fruits, above all, […]

Eat green!

Green is the color of life! Not without a reason, all the healthiest vegetables have this color … just why do they so rarely land on our plates? Look how easy and tasty can you supplement your daily meals with these robust plants. WHERE TO FIND THEM? Green is just one of the 5 colors of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables […]


Polenta is a traditional dish of Italian cuisine, originally made of chestnut flour, now usually with corn flour or cornmeal – you cane make it sweet or savory, for breakfast or as an addition to dinner. In fact, this dish is known throughout the world under various names. As a „mamaliga” it occurs in the the […]

Cornmeal porridge

Be it a longrun or a running competition, it always brings to my mind a cornmeal or semolina porridge. It’s a quick and easy to digest breakfast, giving a kick of good energy. After such a warming meal I can jump in my running clothes and set off immediately. WHY CORNMEAL I made a cornmeal porridge one […]

Peanut butter

A favorite snack of runners and vegetarians – peanut butter. Available in different flavors, but my favourite is classic – 100% roasted peanuts. And the best thing is that you don’t have to overpay for ready-made butter with unhealthy additives – you can do it yourself in just minutes! WHAT ALL THE FUSS IS ABOUT Peanut […]

Oatmeal omelette

I received the recipe for this the omelette from a friend who is a personal trainer. It turned out that this is a great kick of energy in the morning – a large content of complete protein, minderals condensed in the yolk and complex carbohydrates from oats is probably the perfect mix for any athlete. At […]

Flaxseed pudding

There comes a time when we find that the longer ride on carbohydrates made us somehow lose our racing weight. It’s easy to just cut calories, throw out all carbohydrates for a few weeks and chew only lettuce. The trick is to make it in a way that the mere thought of another „ascetic” meal makes you drool! And so, my experiments […]

Weight Loss oatmeal

I’ve never met a runner who does not like an oatmeal in one form or another. For me, a day without porridge is a day lost. Rich in fiber, vitamins E and B1 and unsaturated fatty acids, it gives our body a kick for the whole day (or a good workout). Even the simplest oeatmeal is a good mix […]

Buckwheat Porridge

My recent discovery – a real kick-of-energy breakfast, i.e. buckwheat porridge. It is a great alternative to the classic oatmeal and is equally quick in preparation. It can be served hot or cold, sweet and seasoned with fruit, spicy or chocolate one. The great advantage of this breakfast is a low glycemic index (uncooked groats – IG 40, boiled – […]

Easy homemade coconut milk

Coconut milk has a lot of applications. Along with other plant drinks (soy milk, rice milk, oatmeal milk, etc.) it is a very good substitute for cow’s milk for vegans and lactose intolerant people. It has a very characteristic taste, contains from 15% to 25% fat, and – in contrast to cow’s milk – fiber. Coconut […]

Protein pancakes

Another recipe I want to share with you is „protein pancakes” – brilliant and simple breakfast providing everything you need for breakfast. The flavour depends on available protein supplement (it can be neutral as well – in that case use your favourite spices – eg. Cinnamon, ginger, cocoa, etc.). Pancakes are delicious on their own, but you might as well […]

Protein waffles

Until recently, I kept as far from waffles as I could. High-calorie, only simple carbs, oil, with whipped cream (obviously) and a ton of sugar. But I found a blog Poranne inspiracje by Sylwia Fojcik. There, I found repository of inspirations for delicious breakfasts. And most importantly – the recipes are quick, simple and nutritionally perfect. They are also the […]

How often should you eat?

How many meals a day should you eat to maintain a good figure, have a full tank of energy and quick metabolism? Some say you should eat 5-6 meals a day, others that only 3 is enough. Meanwhile, recent studies indicate that these are all false conceptions. You can go dizzy with all this. What to eat […]

Going NUTS with heart-healthy fats

I love nuts in every form. This is one of the healthier snacks – a great „emergency” meal in travel, when the only alternative is some fast food. They are caloric, but if you can limit yourself to a handful, they’ll repay a hundred times with the wealth of health properties. Nuts are very popular in the diet of […]

Post-workout kale shake

Vegetable and fruit cocktails are a brilliant invention – they’re full of vitamins, micronutrients and fiber, easily digestible and can be made of virtually everything. They are also delicious and quick to make. What could you want more? We distinguish 2 kinds of cocktails: shakes – based on dairy products (milk, joghurt, kefir, buttermilk) – great after workout, […]