quick energy bars

Carb, protein, oat, fruit – gels and energy bars are the basic fuel of every runner. They are in bulks on the shelves, both in grocer’s and specialized stores for runners. I offer you today an extra-fast energy bar, in the „raw” version, i.e. without baking. In the internet there are loads of recipes for eneryg bars. Sometimes, […]

Tagliatelle with oyster mushrooms

Tagliatelle is my favourite type of pasta. Good tagliatelle sticks well to the sauce, but it also looks good with solid pieces of vegetables. Today in a brilliant combination with oyster mushrooms in cream sauce. Yum-yum! Pasta is inseparably associated with running, all thanks to the ubiquitous „pasta party” before the marathons, when runners shove in tons of […]

5 Colors of Health

Vegetables and fruits vary, sometimes radically, in terms of appearance, taste and color. We use all these qualities to diversify our meals, but have you ever wondered if there’s any meaning behind the individual colors of vegetables and fruits? Is this diversity of colors just a freak of nature – just for the fun? Well, […]

Banana-oatmeal cookies

Yet again I bought too many bananas and they’re overripe now… what to do, what to do… no time for banana bread, but I won’t throw them away (I hate throwing food away). Sickeningly sweet, sticky … I know! I’ll make some quick, delicious oatmeal cookies! „True story” – as they say. The idea came to my mind after I […]

Protein chocolate smoothie

You come back home after a hard workout and you’re not sure what’d be best to eat? Here’s my favourite post-workout, recovery smoothie. Sweet, chocolate, without any powders – thick and satiating. Smoothie is a genious invention – almost like oatmeal! The versatility of possible flavors is virtually endless. However, each of us has several of […]

Millet balls

Millet balls is yet another option to use this unique groats in our kitchen. They are quick to prepare and one can create at least several fantastic, energetic lunches with them. Millet is one of the most alkalizing and easy to acquire foods. Moreover, it’s rich in vitamins (B1, B2, B6) and minerals (iron, copper, silicon, zinc) […]


Polenta is a traditional dish of Italian cuisine, originally made of chestnut flour, now usually with corn flour or cornmeal – you cane make it sweet or savory, for breakfast or as an addition to dinner. In fact, this dish is known throughout the world under various names. As a „mamaliga” it occurs in the the […]

Vege running

 EXPERIMENT It all started withe the book „Eat and Run” by Scott Jurek. Rich Roll added some more in his book „Finding Ultra”. They both described how the resignation of the meat had a positive effect on their mood, but primarily on athletic performance. They claimed that they feel lighter, can train harder and the […]

Cornmeal porridge

Be it a longrun or a running competition, it always brings to my mind a cornmeal or semolina porridge. It’s a quick and easy to digest breakfast, giving a kick of good energy. After such a warming meal I can jump in my running clothes and set off immediately. WHY CORNMEAL I made a cornmeal porridge one […]

Glycemic index

Carbohydrates are very important for us – from them comes the energy needed by our muscles to function properly. It is particularly important for runners and other athletes – but how do we know when to eat? Some products give quick but a short boost of energy while others release it slowly and steadily, giving a feeling of satiety for […]

Pumpkin soup with coconut milk

Pumpkin soup is a typical autumn soup made in thousand different ways. My favorite taste is a slightly spicy cream with ginger and coconut milk – it has a really unique flavour. It’s a magical soup as it disappears before it’s even ready ;-) RECIPE INGREDIENTS (4-5 servings): 1kg pumpkin 1 l vegetable broth (homemade or concentrated) 2 […]

Spinach Lasagna

Lasagna is one of my favorite cheat meals, i.e. dishes I serve myself as an exception from my regular diet or a planned meal before the major race. In such a case the large amount of calories (especially carbs) is most welcome. Spinach lasagna is as good a carbo-loading meal as a regenerative meal after […]

Oatmeal omelette

I received the recipe for this the omelette from a friend who is a personal trainer. It turned out that this is a great kick of energy in the morning – a large content of complete protein, minderals condensed in the yolk and complex carbohydrates from oats is probably the perfect mix for any athlete. At […]

Easy Tortilla Pizza

This is not my original recipe. On the contrary, tortilla pizzas can be found on hundreds of blogs throughout the Internet, with minimal differences (or none at all). Nevertheless, it is so quick and simple recipe that I decided to include it into my collection. As I am quite short and slim, I try to search for dishes […]

Kefir Rye Dumplings

Being lately on a „reduction” diet, I’ve been digging up some old recipes and making some new discoveries. This recipe is one of those dug up. Kefir rye dumplings may not look very appetizing, but I assure you that they really taste great and fit into many flavor combinations. They will be a nice change if you’re […]