Monthly summary – August

August – summer holidays in full swing, the time of vacations and rest. On the other hand, for many runners is the time of hard training for the autumn marathons peak. The time when training sessions should gain volume and intensity. Since the beginning of the year I’ve been preparing just for August. I trained for trail […]

Elemental Tri Series Strawczyn – race report

Elemental Tri Series is a series of triathlons organized between May and August 2015 (Olsztyn, Strawczyn i Białystok). The organizer of the race is LaboSport Poland, and it all happened thanks to sponsors: Elemental Holding (naming rights sponsor), Beko, Etixx oraz Giant. I had the opportunity to participate in Elemental Triathlon Strawczyn,  on August 2, 2015, at the Olympic distance (1.5km swim, […]

It’s all over!

… Time to get back to reality and gather strength for new challenges. However, I will soon post a commentary on this fantastic triathlon. Elemental Tri Series in Strawczyn was a very interesting race. The route was very demanding, but organized in a very spectacular way. There will surely be a multitude of pictures and interesting […]

How to prepare for a Triathlon

Before the last triathlon (Group Azoty Triathlon Radłów) I wrote about how I prepare for a race in terms of training and diet. Today, two days before the Elemental Tri Series in Strawczyn (Sunday, 02.08.2015), I decided to describe exactly how to prepare for a competition in terms of equipment and how to deal with Transition Zone. […]


It’s scorching from the very morning till late evening. Sitting in the pleasant chill of your apartment, you feel the outside calling you to get some fun. And then you go outside – it’s so dreadfully hot you can’t even breathe, after two minutes all the clothes stick to the body, and the you only dream about crawl under a […]

Carboloading before marathon

WHAT IS CARBO LOADING Carbo loading is a type of diet used by endurance athletes before races lasting more than 90 minutes. It works by increasing the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet during last 2-3 days prior to the start in order to allow muscle glycogen storage above the natural level. Glycogen is a polysaccharide […]

Three years running!

HOW IT ALL BEGAN Yesterday, reviewing my workouts diary, I discovered that exactly 3 years ago – 19.07.2012 – began my running adventure. I remember the day like it was yesterday. Over the past few months I struggled with to loose weight, exercising 15 minutes a day at home (always after work) and I felt that my […]

Grupa Azoty Triathlon Radłów – Day before race

PREPARATIONS Today is a preparation day for „Groupa Azoty Triathlon Radłów”at a distance of 1/4 Iron Man which includes swimming in open waters (950m), cycling (45km) and running (10,5km). This is my first (and perhaps only) triathlon competition this year. 2015 was supposed to be for me a year to prepare for trail running and all my […]

Ultramarathon Man!

It finally happened! On 08.08.2015, thanks to the trail mountain race „Chudy Wawrzyniec” I became an ultramarathon man! The run was organized in Rajcza, in Żywiec Beskids, leading through red and green hiking trail over six peaks: Rachowiec, Kikula, Wielka Racza,  Jaworzyna, Wielka Rycerzowa and Muńcuł. The finish line was set in Ujsoły. The whole race measured  approx. 53 km and over 2,000 meters […]