II Górski Bieg Frassatiego

KRÓTKO O BIEGU Górski Bieg Frassatiego to bieg organizowany w Międzybrodziu Bialskim (Beskid Mały). W tym roku odbyła się druga edycja tego biegu. Ze względu na obostrzenia COVID-owe termin biegu został przesunięty na wrzesień i ograniczony do jednego dystansu (21 km, +/- 1120 m). Start i meta zlokalizowane są w centrum Międzybrodzia Bialskiego. Kilkaset metrów […]

Aftershokz Aeropex – poczuć to w kościach!

Aftershokz to producent słuchawek z przewodnictwem kostnym, używających kości czaszki jako systemu rezonatorów… No dobra, a tak „po polsku”? Tak po polsku, to znaczy, że nie trzeba sobie wpychać nic do ucha, a muzyka gra ;) Kiedy usłyszałem o tych słuchawkach, pomyślałem, że to albo czary albo jakaś ściema. Jednak co jakiś czas rzucały mi […]

Your ultra gear guide

20 hours running… surrounded only by mountains and forests, and you only have what’s on your back … Right, let’s see what do you have there? Ooohh, a bunch of crap indeed – and where’s the really useful stuff? Look what I packed! LET’S PACK YOU UP FOR ULTRA! Are you preparing for a mountain race or a […]

quick energy bars

Carb, protein, oat, fruit – gels and energy bars are the basic fuel of every runner. They are in bulks on the shelves, both in grocer’s and specialized stores for runners. I offer you today an extra-fast energy bar, in the „raw” version, i.e. without baking. In the internet there are loads of recipes for eneryg bars. Sometimes, […]

Runner’s health check

Sport is good for health – no doubt about it. However, every active person should be aware of their health, both at the start of their adventure with sport and later on. Periodic examinations enable us to verify our health, additionally showing the progress made during training. How often should one make a health check? And what […]

Secrets of quick recovery

Why is there so much talk about regeneration, if it’s the training that really matters? While the effort causes fatigue and muscle damage, it’s the relaxation that ensures our body rebuilds and becomes stronger. Rest is like JIN to a training JANG. Without a good rest, there is no way to adapt to ever-heavier training stimuli, and […]

Asics GT 2000 – a shoe for persistent

Asics GT 2000 is a top shelf shoe. A great roadrunner, proving equally well during quick trainings and long runs, like a marathon. Very good cushioning and support in the midfoot area makes it one of the best shoes for pronators. BASIC DATA brand –Asics type – GT 2000 4 (T606N-4390) release – autumn/winter 2016 foot […]

Vege running

 EXPERIMENT It all started withe the book „Eat and Run” by Scott Jurek. Rich Roll added some more in his book „Finding Ultra”. They both described how the resignation of the meat had a positive effect on their mood, but primarily on athletic performance. They claimed that they feel lighter, can train harder and the […]

Cornmeal porridge

Be it a longrun or a running competition, it always brings to my mind a cornmeal or semolina porridge. It’s a quick and easy to digest breakfast, giving a kick of good energy. After such a warming meal I can jump in my running clothes and set off immediately. WHY CORNMEAL I made a cornmeal porridge one […]

13th Cracow New Year’s Eve Run

I say goodbye to 2016 traditionally – with running. Yet again I participated in the Cracow Run New Year’s Eve Run. Besides the regular competition, every year there’s a competition for the best costume and runners’ imagination truly knows no limits there! SHORT REPORT 13th edition of the run gave me additional joy, beside the obvious competition, […]

Running in sickness

Sickness is the worst thing that can happen to a runner – you wake up in the morning with a feeling of scratching in the throat or runny nose and you already know what’s coming – a break in training …. and yet it is only a small cold. Maybe you could run it through? Maybe […]

How to start exercising

Would you like to change something in your life? Take up exercisign and improve your health? Get in shape and sculpt the body? Maybe lose a few centimeters here and there? Probably you’ve already tried it…if not for this short-lived zeal… And if I told you that there is a way? Even the biggest sluggad may change into a […]

Running in winter

A moment ago we were hiding from the heat and cooled ourselves with whatever water we could find, and now the best piece of equipment for a training is… a warm blanket. I dread to think what’d it be when it starts snowing. How to run in winter? Should we run at all? RUN!!! It is said […]

Running goals 2017

NEW YEAR, NEW CHALLENGES I planned my first race plan in 2016 and think it was great idea. As a result, after completing the running season I can look back and see where I made mistakes, whether I was able to meet the goals and make progress. I invite you to look at my 2106 race plan (here). Last year […]